Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Buddha Two

6 x 6 oil painting Buddha Two

Spent my afternoon listening to love songs and painting another Buddha Face. This is number 2 in my beginning Buddha series.

I enjoy painting the Buddha - he starts out a mess of mosaic-like splotches of paint - completely unnerving beginning that slowly, slowly, takes shape and becomes a vibrant being....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Buddha Sunday

6 x 6 Buddha One

A beautiful Easter Sunday! Spent my afternoon focusing on the Buddha....my first in a series of Buddha paintings.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Daisies and Lemons

I usually have a large painting in the works along with my daily paintings. Daily paintings are small, quick, and fresh. This painting, however, took days and days with glazes drying between glazes. I also painted it only at certain times in the morning so I could capture the light at just the right angle.
24 x 24 Lemons and Daisies

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Faithfully Painting Away!

Yes - painting most every day. Appreciating the light that streams in through the window and my new daylight clip-on lamp that illuminates the subject day and night!

Joined a life-drawing group a few weeks back. Such a challenge to capture the live human form in 25 minute poses - it's the process rather than the product at this point. I taught life-drawing every Wednesday night for more than 5 years in my Evergreen Art School and honed my skill because of it...now I'm a bit rusty....but back in the saddle.

Here's a glimpse of a few paintings of mine as of late:

Three Friends in a Bowl 5 x 7

Blue Eyes 6 x 6

Lemons with Love 5 x 7

Saturday, April 2, 2011


10 x 10 oil on stretched canvas

Created a few weeks ago - this little girl brings a smile to everyone who walks through the door. The thing is, I don't know her name or who she belongs to . I saw her photo posted on FB and knew right away that I wanted to paint her. This painting was a joy from the beginning to the end - no stumbles, just a lot of fun! Perhaps someone will recognize her and tell me her name.

Update: April 26, 2011
Sienna is the subject of this painting. Sienna's cousin posted her photo, the inspiration for this painting, and through a fellow friend, let me know Sienna's name. Thanks Robyn and Sienna!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Daily Painting

Oh My Gosh - it's been so long since my last post! PLUS - I got side tracked with my other wordpress blog, which quite frankly, is easier for posting sequential photos. At any rate, life goes on and I'm still breathing.

I've taken up the daily painting challenge - it's SO MUCH FUN!!
I painted this one today - it's 10 x 10 in oil, although most of my daily paintings are a bit smaller..