Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Buddha Two

6 x 6 oil painting Buddha Two

Spent my afternoon listening to love songs and painting another Buddha Face. This is number 2 in my beginning Buddha series.

I enjoy painting the Buddha - he starts out a mess of mosaic-like splotches of paint - completely unnerving beginning that slowly, slowly, takes shape and becomes a vibrant being....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Buddha Sunday

6 x 6 Buddha One

A beautiful Easter Sunday! Spent my afternoon focusing on the Buddha....my first in a series of Buddha paintings.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Daisies and Lemons

I usually have a large painting in the works along with my daily paintings. Daily paintings are small, quick, and fresh. This painting, however, took days and days with glazes drying between glazes. I also painted it only at certain times in the morning so I could capture the light at just the right angle.
24 x 24 Lemons and Daisies

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Faithfully Painting Away!

Yes - painting most every day. Appreciating the light that streams in through the window and my new daylight clip-on lamp that illuminates the subject day and night!

Joined a life-drawing group a few weeks back. Such a challenge to capture the live human form in 25 minute poses - it's the process rather than the product at this point. I taught life-drawing every Wednesday night for more than 5 years in my Evergreen Art School and honed my skill because of it...now I'm a bit rusty....but back in the saddle.

Here's a glimpse of a few paintings of mine as of late:

Three Friends in a Bowl 5 x 7

Blue Eyes 6 x 6

Lemons with Love 5 x 7

Saturday, April 2, 2011


10 x 10 oil on stretched canvas

Created a few weeks ago - this little girl brings a smile to everyone who walks through the door. The thing is, I don't know her name or who she belongs to . I saw her photo posted on FB and knew right away that I wanted to paint her. This painting was a joy from the beginning to the end - no stumbles, just a lot of fun! Perhaps someone will recognize her and tell me her name.

Update: April 26, 2011
Sienna is the subject of this painting. Sienna's cousin posted her photo, the inspiration for this painting, and through a fellow friend, let me know Sienna's name. Thanks Robyn and Sienna!